70 "Introduction," H-Diplo Roundtable XXVI-15 Review of Harold James. Seven Crashes: The Economic Crises that Shaped Globalization, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2023, 23 December 2024..
69 "China’s Strategic Lending Policy: Implications for Latin America," The Chinese Economy, 1-13, May 2024.
68 Book review of Coevolutionary Pragmatism: Approaches and Impacts of China-Africa Economic Cooperation by Xiaoyang Tang, The China Journal, 88(2), July 2022.
67 "What Future for the Economic Consensus?" in The Future of the Liberal Order, Helmut K. Anheier, editor, London: Routledge, April 2022.
66 Ring-fencing and Proprietary Trading Independent Review Panel Final Report, March 2022.
65 "UK Economic Diplomacy in the 21st Century," LSE Economic Diplomacy Commission Report, 9 February 2021.
64 "Can We Rebuild the Economic Consensus?" Global Perspectives, 1(1), 2020: 13909, https://doi.org/10.1525/gp.2020.13909
63 "The China Paradox: The Endogenous Relationship Between Law and Economic Growth," Journal of Chinese Governance, July 2020.
62 "China's Economic Emergence and Implications for Africa," China-Africa and an Economic Transformation, Arkebe Oqubay and Justin Yifu Lin, editors, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1 May 2019.
61 Book review of Unmaking China's Development: The Function and Credibility of Institutions by Peter Ho, The China Journal, 81(1), January 2019.
60 "A Quick Review of 250 Years of Economic Theory about Tariffs," Harvard Business Review, 26 July 2018.
59 "Evolution of Market Reforms," The SAGE Handbook of Contemporary China, July 2018.
58 "Chinese Economic Policy," Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science, Sandy Maisel, editor, New York: Oxford University Press, July 2017.
57 "Britain's Economic Outlook after Brexit," Global Policy, Special Issue: Europe and the World: Global Insecurity and Power Shifts, 8(S4), pp. 54-61, 29 June 2017.
56 "Globalisation and Growth: The Case of China," in Boosting European Competitiveness: The Role of CESEE Countries, Marek Belka, Ewald Nowotny, Pawel Samecki, and Doris Ritzberger-Grunwald, editors, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, October 2016.
55 “The Law and Growth Nexus in China,” in China’s Socialist Rule of Law Reforms Under Xi Jinping, John Garrick and Yan Chang Bennett, editors, London: Routledge, February 2016.
54 "China's Growth: A Brief History," Harvard Business Review, 9 December 2015.
53 "What Drives China's Growth?" National Institute Economic Review, No. 223, pp. R4-R15, February 2013.
52 "Legal Development, Financial Repression, and Entrepreneurship in a Marketizing Economy," The Chinese Economy, 45(4): 39-82, July-August 2012.
51 "Why China Must Continue to Reform," The European Financial Review, February-March 2012, pp. 54-57.
50 "The Chinese Box: The Opaque Economic Borders of the Chinese State," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 27(4), 658-679, Winter 2011.
49 "Does Incorporation Improve Firm Performance?" Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 73(6), 753-770, December 2011 (with Xiao Mei Li).
48 "Economic Growth in China: Productivity and Policy" Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 73(6), 719-721, December 2011 (with John Knight and Yang Yao).
47 "Re-balancing China: Linking Internal and External Reforms," Asian Economic Papers, 10(2), 87-111, 2011 (also published as Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) Discussion Paper 441, Stanford University, pp. 1-38, May 2011).
46 "China and the UK: Changing Patterns of International Trade and Investment," Economic and Labour Market Review, 5(5), 26-45, May 2011 (with Graeme Chamberlin).
45 "The U.S., China and Global Imbalances," China Economic Journal, 3(1), 33-48, 2010.
44 "A Stronger China," IMF Finance & Development, 47(2), 8-11, June 2010.
43 "Does Incorporation Improve Firm Performance?" CGC Discussion Paper No. 10, China Growth Centre (CGC), St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, pp. 1-67, June 2010 (with Xiao Mei Li).
42 "Accounting for China's Labour Productivity Growth in the 2000s," CGC Discussion Paper No. 1, China Growth Centre (CGC), St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, pp. 1-65, June 2010.
41 "Thirty Years of Legal and Economic Reforms in China: Growth, Institutions, and Laws," Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 8(2), 117-32, 2010.
40 "The New Energy Order: Managing Insecurities in the 21st Century," Foreign Affairs, 1(89), 61-73, January/February 2010 (with David G. Victor).
39 "The China Effect: How the Emergence of China Affects the Global Economy, Export-led Growth Models and Relations with the United States” in The Future of Asian Trade and Growth: Economic Development with the Emergence of China, L. Yueh, ed., London: Routledge, pp. 9.32, December 2009.
38 "Patent Laws and Innovation in China," International Review of Law and Economics, 29(4), 304-313, December 2009 (University of Oxford, Department of Economics Discussion Paper No. 271, July 2006).
37 “From the Great Moderation to the Global Financial Crisis,” The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, X(2), 39-63, Summer/Fall 2009.
36 "Recession and Recovery in the OECD," Economic & Labour Market Review, 3(10), 28-33, October 2009 (with Graeme Chamberlin).
35 “Self-employment in Urban China: Networking in a Transition Economy,” China Economic Review, 20(3), 471-484, 2009.
34 “International Economic Law and Economic Growth,” in The Law and Economics of Globalisation: New Challenges for a World in Flux, L. Yueh, ed., Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, pp. 315-333, July 2009.
33 “Law, Finance and Economic Growth in China: An Introduction,” World Development, 37(4), 753-762, 2009 (with Yang Yao).
32 "China's Entrepreneurs," World Development, 37(4), 778-786, 2009 (University of Oxford, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper No. 324, April 2007).
31 "Perspectives on China's Growth: Prospects and Wider Impact," in China, India and Beyond: Drivers and Limitations of Development, N. Dinello and S. Wang, eds., Edward Elgar Global Development Network Series Volume 4, 2009.
30 “Competition or Segmentation in China’s Urban Labour Market?" Cambridge Journal of Economics, 33(1), 79-94, 2009 (with John Knight) (“Urban Insiders and Rural Outsiders: Complementarity or Competition in China's Urban Labour Market?" University of Oxford, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper No. 217, Oxford, UK, December 2004).
29 “How Productive is Chinese Labour? The Contributions of Labour Market Reform, Globalisation and Competition,” University of Oxford, Department of Economics Discussion Paper No. 418, December 2008.
28 "Economic Integration in Asia: European Perspectives,” in Economic Integration in East Asia: Perspectives from Spatial and Neoclassical Economics, Masahisa Fujita, Satoru Kumagai and Koji Nishikimi, eds., Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, September 2008 (with Anthony J. Venables and L. Alan Winters) (JETRO-IDE (Japan External Trade Organization-Institute of Developing Economies) Joint Research Program Series No. 138, pp. 45-71, March 2006).
27 “The Role of Social Capital in the Labour Market in China,” Economics of Transition, 16(3), 389-414, 2008 (with John Knight) (University of Oxford, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper No. 121, Oxford, UK, October 2002).
26 "Do Social Networks Increase Labour Supply Elasticity?" Applied Economics Letters, 15(1), 5-10, 2008.
25 "The Rise of China," Irish Studies in International Affairs, 18(2007), 35-43, October 2007.
24 "Global Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Growth," Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property, 5(3), 436-448, Summer 2007.
23 “Economic Growth with the Advent of International Economic Law: Implications for Emerging Economies,” in Emerging Economies and the Transformation of International Business: Brazil, Russia, India and China, Subhash C. Jain, editor, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2007.
22 “China’s Competitiveness, Intra-industry and Intra-regional Trade in Asia,” in Globalisation and Economic Growth in China, Yang Yao and Linda Yueh, eds., World Scientific Publishing, 2006.
21 “China’s Economic Reforms in the Globalisation Era,” in Globalisation and Economic Growth in China, Yang Yao and Linda Yueh, eds., World Scientific Publishing, 2006 (with Justin Yifu Lin and Yang Yao).
20 "Parental Investment in Children's Human Capital in Urban China," Applied Economics, 38(18), 2089-2111, 2006 (“A Model of Parental Investment in Children's Human Capital," Research Paper No. 15, ESRC Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance (Skope), University of Oxford, UK, Spring 2001).
19 “Social Capital, Unemployment and Women’s Labour Market Outcomes in Urban China,” in Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty in Urban China, Li Shi and Hiroshi Sato, eds., RoutledgeCurzon, 2006.
18 “China and India: Comparative Perspectives,” in China and India: Emerging Global Powers, N. Janardhan Rao, editor, Hyderabad: The ICFAI University Press, 2005.
17 "The Contours of China's Macroeconomy: The State of Economic and Legal Reforms," in Perspectives on China, Raisa Asikainen, editor, The Renvall Institute, 2005.
16 "The Economy: Opportunities and Risks," in China and Britain: the Potential Impact of China's Development, Hugo de Burgh, editor, The Smith Institute, 2005.
15 "Foreign Direct Investment and Industrial Policy in China" in Infrastructure Policy: An Introduction, P. Nair, editor, ICFAI University Press, 2005.
14 “Job Mobility of Residents and Migrants in Urban China,” (with John Knight), Journal of Comparative Economics, 32(4), 637-660, 2004 (Discussion Paper No. 163, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, UK, June 2003). Reprinted in Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty in Urban China, Li Shi and Hiroshi Sato, eds., RoutledgeCurzon, 2006.
13 “Urban Insiders and Rural Outsiders: Complementarity or Competition in China's Urban Labour Market?" (with John Knight), University of Oxford, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper No. 217, Oxford, UK, December 2004.
12 “China's Economic Growth with WTO Accession: Is it Sustainable? ” in Chinese Economy: Issues and Perspectives, N. Janardhan Rao, editor, ICFAI University Press, 2004 (Asia Programme Working Paper No. 1, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, UK, May 2003 ).
11 “An Investment Model of Social Capital with Empirical Application to Women's Labour Market Outcomes in Urban China,” in Economic Policy Analysis: China's Experience with Urban Unemployment, Poverty and Income Inequality, in Li Shi and Hiroshi Sato, eds., China Economic and Finance Publishers, 2004 (in Chinese).
10 “A Labour Market in Motion? Job Mobility in Urban China,” (with John Knight) in Economic Policy Analysis: China's Experience with Urban Unemployment, Poverty and Income Inequality, in Li Shi and Hiroshi Sato, eds., China Economic and Finance Publishers, 2004 (in Chinese).
9 “The Role of Social Capital in the Labour Market in China,” (with John Knight) in Economic Policy Analysis: China's Experience with Urban Unemployment, Poverty and Income Inequality, in Li Shi and Hiroshi Sato, eds., China Economic and Finance Publishers, 2004 (in Chinese).
8 “Chinese Economy: Emerging Challenges,” in Financial Markets: Emerging Scenario, N. Janardhan Rao, editor, ICFAI University Press, 2004. Reprinted in Chinese Economy: Issues and Perspectives, N. Janardhan Rao, editor, ICFAI University Press, 2004. Reprinted in China and India: Emerging Global Powers, N. Janardhan Rao, editor, Hyderabad: The ICFAI University Press, 2005.
7 “Wage Reforms in China During the 1990s,” Asian Economic Journal, 18(2), 149-164, 2004.
6 "China and Intra-regional Trade: Threat or Opportunity?" Asia and Australasia Regional Overview, Economist Intelligence Unit, October 2003.
5 "China’s New Economic Policy? China's Economic Direction in the New Global Economy” Harvard China Review, Vol. IV, No. 1, Fall 2003.
4 “An Investment Model of Social Capital,” University of Oxford, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper No. 83, Oxford, UK, September 2001.
3 “The Relevance of Welfare Economics to Democratic Governance,” New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy, 2(1), 171-178, Winter 1998 (book review).
2 “The O.J. Simpson Trial: Who Was Improperly 'Playing the Race Card'?” (with A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. and Aderson Bellegarde François) in Birth of a Nation'hood: Gaze, Script, and Spectacle in the O.J. Simpson Case, Toni Morrison and Claudia Brodsky Lacour, eds., Pantheon, 1997. Reprinted as “Race and the O.J. Simpson Trial,” in F. Michael Higginbotham, Race Law, Carolina Academic Press, 2001, pp. 465-471; second edition, 2005.
1 Editorial Introduction, “The Immigrant Experience,” Asian American Policy Review: The Harvard Journal of Asian Pacific American Public Affairs, Volume 5, 1995.
Contact: linda.yueh@economics.ox.ac.uk
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